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Snowy White - Discography 1983-2

The Sire label was run by Seymour Stein.It was initially distributed by London in the 97000 series from 1968 to 1970. The label was the samegeneric design that London was using for its distributed labels (e.g., Deram, Threshold), which was whitewith a colored horizontal bar going through the center hole. Above that was the logo inside a horizontalrectangle, with a reversed-out script London logo underneath it in another rectangle. The Sire label waspurple and turquoise on white, and the Sire logo itself featured a rampant lion next to "Sire" spelled outin Old English display type. Sire then left London and was distributed by Polydor Records' Americandivision; there, it adopted the now-familiar yellow-orange label with the deep blue S logo at the top.By 1971, distribution was taken over by Famous Music, then ABC. The label was yellow with black print,with a circular "S" logo in a circle, with blue on the left of the "S" and purple on the right.In 1977, the distribution shifted to Warner Brothers, with the label design remaining the same as withFamous/ABC.We would appreciate any additions or corrections to this discography. Just send them to us via e-mail. Both Sides Now Publications is an informationweb page. We are not a catalog, nor can we provide the records listed below. We have no associationwith Sire Records. Should you be interested in acquiring albums listed in this discography (all of whichare out of print), we suggest you see our FrequentlyAsked Questions page and follow the instructions found there. This story and discography arecopyright 2004 by Mike Callahan.

Snowy White - Discography 1983-2

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