Stress-free Divorce Resolution with Orange County Divorce Mediation Attorney
Divorce and family law cases often involve heated arguments that drag on for months. If spouses can’t agree on common issues, the process risks turning bitter and contentious. This devolvement not just affects the spouses but also their children.
At Jos Family Law, we believe there is another, better way of doing things. Our Orange County divorce mediation attorneys can help you divorce in a peaceful & stress-free manner. One of the most sought-after alternative dispute resolution mechanisms today, mediation can help you save time and money involved in traditional divorce litigation.
During mediation, our attorneys will aim for your family’s best interests. We will work closely with you and your ex-spouse to resolve a divorce amicably while protecting the rights and interests of both parties.
What Happens During Mediation?
The mediation process is designed to help both spouses come to a favorable agreement. During the initial appointment, both spouses share their goals and the most desired outcome in their divorce the mediator presents a plan to ensure all matters are handled fairly.
During the process, the spouses can agree to the following:
· Child Custody
· Child Support
· Spousal Support
· Property & Asset Division
Our Orange County divorce mediation attorneys will review the final agreement and draft a document for court approval. Mediation helps couples resolve their dispute peacefully and helps you save time and money by avoiding litigation. But mediation isn’t right for couples who cannot agree or have a history of abuse or manipulation. In these cases, going to a judge may be more favorable.
Schedule a consultation with our Orange County divorce mediation attorneys to know if divorce is the right option for you. Call (714) 733-7066 or send an email to