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Lehrplan 21 Zürich: Ein Planungsinstrument für Lehrpersonen, Schulen und Bildungsbehörden

Lehrplan 21 Zürich Download: What You Need to Know


If you are a parent, a teacher, or a student in Zürich, you might have heard about Lehrplan 21, the new curriculum for compulsory education in the canton. But what is Lehrplan 21 exactly, and why is it important for Zürich? How can you download it and use it for your own purposes? In this article, we will answer these questions and more, as we explore the benefits, challenges, and comparison of Lehrplan 21 with other cantons.

lehrplan 21 zürich download

What is Lehrplan 21?

Lehrplan 21 is the curriculum that describes the educational goals and content for all levels of compulsory education in Zürich, from kindergarten to lower secondary school. It is based on the national curriculum project that was developed by 21 German-speaking and multilingual cantons in Switzerland, following the constitutional mandate to harmonise the targets of education across the country. Lehrplan 21 was adopted by Zürich in 2019, after a consultation process with various stakeholders, such as teachers, parents, schools, and authorities.

Why is Lehrplan 21 important for Zürich?

Lehrplan 21 is important for Zürich because it reflects the current developments and needs of the society and the school system. It provides a basis for a modern and relevant education that prepares students for their future lives and careers. It also ensures comparable educational standards and opportunities for students across cantons, which is especially beneficial for families who move to a different canton or for students who pursue further education or training in another canton.

How can you download Lehrplan 21?

If you want to download Lehrplan 21, you can visit the official website . On the website, you can also find additional information and resources about Lehrplan 21, such as an overview, a glossary, a FAQ section, and links to other websites.

Benefits of Lehrplan 21

Harmonisation of educational goals across cantons

One of the main benefits of Lehrplan 21 is that it harmonises the educational goals across cantons, which means that students in Zürich will learn the same competences as students in other cantons. This will make it easier for them to transfer to another school or to continue their education in another canton. It will also facilitate the mobility and cooperation among teachers, schools, and authorities. Moreover, it will enhance the quality and comparability of education in Switzerland.

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Competence-oriented teaching and learning

Another benefit of Lehrplan 21 is that it focuses on competence-oriented teaching and learning, which means that students will not only acquire knowledge, but also skills, attitudes, and values that they can apply in different situations. Competences are defined as the ability to use knowledge, skills, and values in a specific context and for a specific purpose. Lehrplan 21 identifies six competence areas that cover the main domains of learning: language and communication, mathematics and natural sciences, human and society, design and technology, music and arts, and physical and health education. Within each competence area, there are specific modules that describe the learning objectives and content for each cycle of education.

Development-oriented approaches for the first cycle

A further benefit of Lehrplan 21 is that it adopts development-oriented approaches for the first cycle of education, which includes kindergarten and the first two years of primary school. This means that Lehrplan 21 recognises the diversity and individuality of children in this age group and supports their holistic development. It also allows for flexibility and differentiation in teaching and learning, as well as for cooperation and integration among teachers, schools, and parents.

Balanced distribution of subject areas and modules

Another benefit of Lehrplan 21 is that it ensures a balanced distribution of subject areas and modules across the cycles of education. This means that Lehrplan 21 covers all the essential aspects of education and provides a broad and comprehensive curriculum for students. It also allows for continuity and progression in learning, as well as for coherence and connection among different subjects. Moreover, it enables students to develop their interests and talents in various fields.

Challenges of Lehrplan 21

Implementation and adaptation in schools and classrooms

One of the main challenges of Lehrplan 21 is that it requires implementation and adaptation in schools and classrooms. This means that teachers, schools, and authorities have to adjust their practices, methods, and materials to the new curriculum. They also have to deal with the changes and uncertainties that come with any innovation. Moreover, they have to balance the demands of Lehrplan 21 with the existing regulations, traditions, and expectations of their canton, school, or community.

Assessment and evaluation of competences

Another challenge of Lehrplan 21 is that it poses new questions and difficulties for assessment and evaluation of competences. This means that teachers have to find appropriate ways to measure and document the students' progress and achievements in relation to the competence areas and modules. They also have to provide meaningful feedback and support to the students, as well as to report their results to the parents and authorities. Furthermore, they have to ensure the validity, reliability, and comparability of their assessments.

Teacher education and training

A further challenge of Lehrplan 21 is that it calls for teacher education and training. This means that teachers have to update their knowledge, skills, and attitudes to meet the requirements of the new curriculum. They also have to engage in continuous professional development and learning, as well as to collaborate and exchange with their colleagues. Moreover, they have to cope with the challenges and opportunities of their profession in a changing world.

Communication and collaboration with parents and stakeholders

Another challenge of Lehrplan 21 is that it demands communication and collaboration with parents and stakeholders. This means that teachers, schools, and authorities have to inform and involve the parents and the public about the goals, content, and implementation of the new curriculum. They also have to listen and respond to their feedback, concerns, and expectations. Furthermore, they have to cooperate and coordinate with other actors and institutions in the educational system.

Comparison of Lehrplan 21 with other cantons

Similarities and differences in structure and content

One of the aspects that can be compared between Lehrplan 21 and other cantons is the structure and content of the curriculum. As mentioned before, Lehrplan 21 is based on the national curriculum project that was developed by 21 German-speaking and multilingual cantons. Therefore, it shares the same competence areas, modules, and learning objectives as the other cantons that adopted it. However, it also differs from them in some aspects, such as the number of cycles, the allocation of teaching hours, the organisation of subjects, and the integration of cantonal specificities.

Examples of cantonal adaptations and variations

To illustrate some of the adaptations and variations that exist among the cantons that adopted Lehrplan 21, here are some examples:




Lehrplan 21 has four cycles instead of three: cycle 1 (kindergarten to grade 2), cycle 2 (grade 3 to 6), cycle 3 (grade 7 to 9), cycle 4 (grade 10).


Lehrplan 21 has a separate subject area for foreign languages, which includes English, Fre


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